You have always been an impressive soul.

From your unbelievably strong kicks in utero, to your very long hair at birth, to your commanding toddler voice—you have always found a way to stand out from the crowd.

You've always been a leader, both in our family and in our world.
As we navigated your recent college move-in, meeting your roommates and unpacking all of your bags, I was awed again by your courage.

Choosing a school where you do not know anyone in a state that we have never lived in before. And you are doing it with panache.
Friends and weekends at the lake and classes and making a home.

As I said with your older siblings, when it comes to your college transition I am absolutely sure that the time is right, but I will forever be stunned that the time is now.

I'm thinking of you all the time.
Football games on TV, trying to update this blog without you, and when I see any number of snack related items in the store that I know you would need to immediately buy... you are on mind so often.
But the moment that I recall the most is the one you purposefully planned for our goodbye.

Thank you for chasing me down for that one last (repetitive!) selfie.
I will remember that act of love always. For doing it my way. For hearing my voice.
And for always being sure that I have heard yours.

I learn from you and follow you and celebrate your audacious courage and determination.

You decide well, and follow through with conviction.

I am so incredibly proud of you.

Cheering for you always and feel free to call me soon 😉,