Cash Family Update Our world, like yours has born much change in the last year and already, after one of the strangest terms we have ever had, it is time to plan for our 2021 Stateside visit.
On this Stateside visit beyond our normal furlough activities, we will be celebrating Cheryl’s graduation, hosting our daughter’s wedding and putting the third Cashling into college (Colorado Christian University in Denver).
Further, Jeff’s Mom received a pancreatic cancer diagnosis last June, and has been undergoing chemo. Uganda was locked down at the time and the airport was closed. Our hearts were broken to not be physically present with our Cash family.
Last week we received word that the cancer has spread. We are hoping to depart soon for Portland for some much needed time together.
Generous Provisions Glenwood church of Christ purchases our primary airline tickets (round trip from Uganda to the States) and provides housing while we are in Tyler for which we are very thankful. We also have access to a home for some weeks in Colorado (a tremendous blessing!) before Isaac goes to school.
Needed Particulars Over the course of the first two months of our furlough, we will need several stays in Airbnbs. Cheryl, Kinley and Silas continue to cope with autoimmune disease which is normally challenging as we navigate months of travel and displacement from home, but even more so now with the complexities of COVID. We have major life transitions in the mix of all the travel and we want to set our family up for success as we engage celebrations, milestone markers and goodbyes.
Your Help and Support We are need of furlough funding to cover housing expenses, transportation expenses (specifically car and plane travel within the US) and Covid testing when need be. We do not have access to the best vaccines in Uganda, yet. We will need to Covid test here before we travel and possibly once we reach the US in order to quickly and safely see Jeff’s mom. If you are able to help us with one-time furlough expenses, please donate at Glenwood Church of Christ (under Designation scroll to Fort Portal Mission Jeff Cash) or via Where He Leads Paypal. Please indicate in the notes: Cash family furlough funding.